The Affordable Travel Club TM

How the Club Works

In order to become a member, you must be at least 40 years of age, have a permanent residence, and be able to provide clean, comfortable, and private sleeping quarters and either full or continental breakfast for two or more guests.

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The yearly household
membership dues are:

US, Canada, & Mexico:

$65 - Online Directory

Overseas Hosts:

Free - Online Directory

Lodging gratuity per night:

Club Members:
$15 single, $20 double
Each Additional Person...$10

Overseas hosts may add an additional $10 to the above gratuity.

(All amounts are in $US)

© The Affordable Travel Club
All Rights Reserved

As a Host Member, you offer that extra bedroom, breakfast (continental or full), and an hour of your time to acquaint the fellow member with your area.  The orientation can be done upon arrival or at breakfast.  Your guests give you a gratuity to help you defray your costs.  When you travel, you do the same.  If you travel as many times as you host, you are traveling free!   The number of times per year a host member has guests is at the host's discretion.  Most hosts do not get more than 3 requests a year.  This is a private club.  You are not running  a "Bed and Breakfast."   You are offering your hospitality to other Club members.

As a guest or host, you will be sharing experiences with people like yourself who have a diversity of interests and are well-traveled.   These interchanges make your future travels more exciting and rewarding!  You will belong to an extended family of travelers.


  1. Join the Club and receive access to the Online Directory and Host Membership Card.
  2. From the Directory, determine the city or area you wish to visit.
  3. Within that locality, select a member who offers what you want.
  4. Contact the member to arrange a stay.
  5. If you require any special needs be sure to cover these in advance with your host.
  6. Upon arrival, present your membership card and gratuity to your host.
  7. Discuss "house rules" and make arrangements for breakfast.
  8. Enjoy your stay!

Click Here to preview the available Directory formats.

The Traveling $20 Bill

We have some members who feel that the gratuity that they paid to the host was too small for what they got in return.  Remember the gratuity is given to help defray the costs of the hosts - we are basically a travel club offering traveling members hospitality.  If we begin to charge more that basic costs, we would be running a "bed and breakfast" for profit and must have a license in most states.  As you hand the $20 (the most common gratuity) to your host, think of it as a "Traveling 20" for hopefully they will take it on their next trip and feel just as guilty as they hand it to their host.  Wouldn't it be fun to follow one $20 bill around the world.  Hopefully it will never stop being passed on!  Never has "feeling guilty" been so pleasurable!

If you are new to home hospitality accommodations, you may not feel entirely comfortable when you first arrive at a host's home whom you do not know or they arrive at yours, but we are sure that within minutes that feeling will evaporate leaving only a feeling of good will.  You will become another avid fan of home hospitality accommodations.

Sample Directory Listings


Touristville, CA  (30 miles S. of Los Angeles)
Doe, John & Jane, 110 Main St., Touristville, CA 99999. (310) 555-9999 or Cell: (310) 555-8888.   E-mail: Retired Executive, Teacher. Interests: Sports, crafts, reading, boating, gardening, bridge. Home with an ocean view. Accommodate 2, full breakfast, queen-size bed, private bath. Short notice--yes, smoking permitted outside.  Guide & dine out. Summer Art Festival, sandy beach. (June94)


Feldkirch-Tosters (On Austria/Liechtenstein border)
Mueller, Dieter & Hildegard.  Boeschstr. 456, A-6800 Feldkirch-Tosters, AUSTRIA.  Ph: 43  1234 5678, Fx: same, - Archivist & Headmaster Sec.  Int: music, photography, history, hiking.  House, acc: 2, double bed, private bath, smoking outside.  Guide & dine out. Guest apt. with kitchen.  Historical town on doorstep of the Alps, near Germany, the Tyrol, Lake Constance & Zurich. 1000 year old fortress - Middle Age Ambience.  Scenic drives, hiking/skiing.  2 nt. min stay/5 nt. max.  ATC Gratuity +$10. (Jul96*)